Recent Graduates
Congratulations to the Spring 2022 Philosophy Graduates
Sebastian FormyDuval
The 2021-22 Outstanding Graduating Philosophy Major
Daniel Cavanaugh
The 2021-22 Outstanding Philosophy Paper for “Can Hick’s Soul-Making Theodicy Account for Animal Suffering?”

Fall 2021 Graduates

Spring 2021 Philosophy Graduates

Honors and Awards
Outstanding Graduating Philosophy Major for 2020-2021

Charles Crumpler
Charles was unanimously chosen by the members of the philosophy faculty as the Outstanding Graduating Philosophy Major for 2020-21. Charles is a Chancellor’s Fellow, Honors College Graduate, and President of Philosophy Club. He is graduating Summa Cum Laude in Math and Philosophy. He was the recipient of the award for Best Philosophy Paper in both 2018-19 and 2019-20.
Charles was unanimously chosen by the members of the philosophy faculty as the Outstanding Graduating Philosophy Major for 2020-21. Charles is a Chancellor’s Fellow, Honors College Graduate, and President of Philosophy Club. He is graduating Summa Cum Laude in Math and Philosophy. He was the recipient of the award for Best Philosophy Paper in both 2018-19 and 2019-20.
Fall 2020 Philosophy Graduates

Spring 2020 Philosophy Graduates

Honors and Awards

Julia Shackelford is the winner of the 2019-20 award for Outstanding Graduating Philosophy Major. Charles Crumpler is the winner of the 2019-20 award for Outstanding Philosophy Paper, for his “Musical Materialism: A Defense in Several Movements.
Phi Kappa Phi Outstanding First Year Student Fall 2020

Diana Carbajal
Diana Carbajal (BA Philosophy), was named a finalist of distinction for the Phi Kappa Phi Outstanding First Year student and is receiving $250 and a certificate.
Diana Carbajal (BA Philosophy), was named a finalist of distinction for the Phi Kappa Phi Outstanding First Year student and is receiving $250 and a certificate.