Dr. Ümit Yalçın
Associate Professor, Philosophy
Brewster A-337
(252) 328-1015
Course Materials
Philosophy 1110
Philosophy 4260

Istanbul, Turkey

Ümit Yalçın
Ph.D. University of California at Berkeley 1989 Philosophy
M.A. University of California at Berkeley 1982 Philosophy
B.A. Bosphorus University at Istanbul 1979 English Literature
1996-1997 East Carolina University Assistant Professor (tenure track)
1993-1996 East Carolina University Visiting Assistant Professor
1991-1993 Graduate Center/ CUNY Visiting Scholar
1989-1991 Towson State University Visiting Assistant Professor
1987-1989 De Anza College Instructor
Areas of Specialization
Philosophy of Mind
- Published
Supervenience: New Essays Cambridge University Press 1995
“Skepticism and Perceptual Content” Philosophical Papers 1997
“The Nature of Basic Beliefs and the Regress of Justification” The Southern Journal of Philosophy 31 (219-226) 1993
“Skeptical Arguments from Underdetermination” Philosophical Studies 68 (1-34) 1992
“On Why Philosophers and Social Scientists Should Talk To Each Other” Berkeley Journal Of Sociology 34 (137-159) 1989 - Ongoing
“Relational Relativism”
“Armstrong on the Relation Regress”
“Armstrong on Instantiation”
“Which Content Externalism, Which Transparency, Which Knowledge”
“A Tale of Four Minds”
Contact Information
Department of Philosophy
East Carolina University
A-337 Brewster Hall
Greenville, NC 27858
(919) 328-1015 (phone)
(919) 328-0361 (fax)
e-mail: pyyalcin@ecuvax.cis.ecu.edu